its been a busy couple of months. though it never really feels that way while in the midst of it. the weather really just makes it feel like downtime. i photographed Fonzworth Bentley for MTV to promote his upcoming series. along with miscellaneous fashion editorial i've started "testing*" again. also, i am very proud to say i have finished shooting my collaborative series with artist/art director/ and fellow Art Directors Club Young Guns recipient Jayson Atienza entitled "flying kicks" to be featured in an upcoming show. More details on all of that to come.

*testing is an industry term for shooting for the hell of it with no client in mind. that's usually when i take my favorite pictures.
for now, enjoy my 2 favorite recent purchases working in harmony.. my new 4x5 camera (sinar p2) and my varvatos beekman oxfords. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA