Thursday, November 6, 2008

an interview

Yale Breslin at, a fashion/lifestyle site, did an interview with me a couple of weeks ago.  it went up yesterday and i think it turned out really well..  give it a read.  if anything you'll learn a little more about me:

Saturday, November 1, 2008

show and tell

here are the photos that i showed on Oct. 23rd entitled Flying Kicks:

flying new balance: 2 30"x40" digital c-printsflying pumps: 2 30"x40" digital c-printsflying mini stan smiths: 30"x40" digital c-print (i wish this file showed up the same size the other 3)flying nike blazers: 2 30"x40" digital c-prints

also this week Jayson Atienza was written up in the huffington post: /air-obamas_b_139080.html