no backing track required
Very few artists deserve the honor of being considered a benchmark. Many artists may feel entitled to it for creating great work produced during a depressed movement but true benchmark status is reserved for the very few. When the artist's definition of perfection transcends what the public could ever imagine tangible. Immediately rendering most, if not all, related contemporary art obsolete. The dense aesthetic of what was/is Michael Jackson is so much more than we ever deserved. When an artist dies before 35 and is then recognized, he's a "LEGEND", period, no questions asked. We never knew them. When a great artist lives a longer, more publicized life, we as their patrons have the illusion of knowing them. That "knowledge" coupled with the patron's hunger to own more translates to a false assumption that an artists life is part of their art. We celebrate the chance to wear down the gloss of the finest product the public has ever seen only to turn to bow at the feet of the emperor's new clothes.
Don't Stop Till You Get Enough -- Rock With You -- Wanna Be Startin' Somethin' -- Thriller -- Beat It -- Billie Jean -- P.Y.T -- Bad -- The Way You Make Me Feel -- Man In The Mirror -- Smooth Criminal -- Dirty Diana
Thanks for everything Michael Jackson. We didn't say it enough.
Michael Greenberg
moonwalker for life